Computer Networking

Coastal Computers is here to help with your networking needs in a variety of ways.

We offer our popular Manage Service Contracts, which lets you focus on your business goals without the need of a Full Time IT Department. This will guarantee you up-time so your organization can focus on it’s main goals knowing your technology will be there for you, working, and secure at all times.

Every business is different. We are also happy to help with any currnet issues as they arise. We are here to help and be your full time on-call IT department.

We can plan a future network for you or upgrade an existing one. We utilize modern switches and routers as common practice. It all depends if you need managed functionality or not. When we come on-site we will go over anything you currently are using and make recomendations from there.

We like to utilize your existing technology when possible and we are very budget consicious. With open source technology so freely available, our services can usually be utilized with your current hardware. If not, we will let you know what it will take.

Why Coastal Computers Managed Services…

·  Peace of mind: 24x7x365 monitoring of every device on your network, no more problems when you arrive in the morning.

·  Single point of contact: One company to deal with for all IT issues. No more calling other vendors and internet providers.

·  Expert IT Professionals: We have seen it all in this business and have the answers for most everything.

·  Known Cost at Fixed Price: It’s easier to budget each year when you know your IT spending amount up front.

·  No Training Costs: Training employees can be very expensive, our expert engineer are always up on the latest trends when it comes to technology.

·  No Vacation: With employees this is inevitable. With Coastal Computers you are covered at all times, 24x7x365.

·  Mobility: We can be at many places at one time; an IT staff does not have this benefit.